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Statement of purpose for MBA in UK | SOP sample with guides

Last updated: 19 June 2022

Statement of purpose for MBA in the UK

If you are an international student looking to study in the UK, it is important that you write a strong statement of purpose (SOP). Admissions officers will use this document to assess whether or not you are a good fit for the programme, and so it is essential that you make sure it is well written. 

In this blog post, we will discuss what admissions officers look for in an SOP, and provide some tips on how to create one that will stand out from the crowd.

What is a Statement of purpose (SOP) & Why it’s Important?

A Statement of Purpose, commonly abbreviated as SOP, is a statement that each student enrolling in a University or College program must produce to justify and convince the admission committee of their reasons for applying to the said program. 

The SOP usually accompanies the student’s application and transcripts. It acts as a personal statement of the student’s intent and motivation for enrolling in the program and is, therefore, an important factor in the decision-making process of the admission committee. 

The SOP should be clear, concise, and well-written. It should give the committee a good understanding of who the student is, why they are interested in the program, and what their future goals are. When writing an SOP, students should avoid using clichés and general statements. 

Instead, they should focus on giving specific examples that illustrate their points. By taking the time to craft a well-written SOP, students can increase their chances of being admitted to their desired programs.

How to write SOP for MBA Degree in the UK universities

Statement of purpose for MBA in the UK isn’t individual from other courses, but students need to emphasize the point for this subject why they need MBA  most. Let’s talk about the writing process.

Structure for an Ideal SOP

Are you struggling to write an SOP? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many people find it difficult to know where to start or how to organize their thoughts.

Luckily, there are some simple steps you can follow to create a great SOP. First, decide what format you want to use. There are many different ways to structure an SOP, so choose the one that makes the most sense for your situation.

Once you have a format in mind, start by outlining the main points you want to cover. What information do you need to include? What are your goals for the SOP? Once you have a rough outline, you can start filling in the details.

For writing an SOP, Here the ideal format is given in the following.

Write about yourself:

Your brief details, Educational Background, your hobby, etc.

About Course:

1) What is your desired course?

2) What is your future career? How will this course help you in your future career?

3) Which unique things have made you choose this course among different relevant courses?

4) What is the benefit of choosing this course?

About University:

1) Why this University?

2) What kinds of facilities are being provided by this University? Please note that this part should be two sections. (A) Course-based Facilities, (B) Campus-Based Facilities.

3) Which unique things have made you choose this University over choosing others?

4) University’s rankings in different categories.

5) Please avoid generic & economic points.

Write about the UK:

1) Why the UK?

2) The value of a UK degree.

3) How UK degrees can keep you ahead of many others in career competition.

4) Shorter course duration which is time-saving.

5) The positive things about Wales.

6) No language barrier.

7) Adjustable weather.

The ending:

1) Future plan of coming back & making a great career here in Bangladesh.

2) Expectation to the University to accept this application.

SOP sample for UK student visa

Although an ideal structure for sop writing is included above, here adding a sample of SOP; please check.

Sop sample

How can you make your SOP stand out to admission officers?

There are a few key things you can do to ensure your SOP leaves a lasting impression.

First and foremost, it’s important to be genuine. The admissions committee will be able to tell if you’re being honest or not, so it’s best to just be yourself. 

Next, try to focus on what makes you unique. There are likely many other applicants who have similar grades and test scores, but what sets you apart from the rest? Whether it’s your extracurriculars, personal experiences, or anything else, make sure to highlight what makes you special.

Five mistakes should be avoided while writing SOP:


If you’re interested in studying abroad, a Statement of Purpose is an important document that can help your admissions counselor understand why you want to attend their university. It also gives you a chance to show off your writing skills and explain why you would be a great addition to the student body. 

The good news is that if you don’t have much experience with essay writing, our team of expert consultants is here to help. 

Contact us today for more information on how we can assist you in achieving your study abroad goals!

Check our previous article about the TB test guide, which is essential for a UK visa.